Monday, June 7, 2010

Blogaway Update v4.5

A new update of Blogaway is available on the Android Market. Below are some of the issues that are addressed with this update.

  1. Reading of private blogs
  2. View comments on private blogs
  3. Comment on private blogs 
Thanks for your feedback and support. We hope you like Blogaway. Please let us know about issues/bugs if you encounter any.

Blogaway Team


Erik said...

Right now I can't see the app in market and I suspect it's because I'm on a smaller QVGA screen. Have you built the app using SDK 4 or higher?

Unknown said...

@Erik: sorry, Blogaway currently doesn't support lower screen resolutions. However you can download a copy from and test it out.

ganawil said...

is the Blogaway Update v4.5 the latest update for it? What difference does it make over the 2.2 version?

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