Sunday, November 29, 2009

Update - Blogaway

This version is a minor update with mostly bug fixes.

People have been asking for delete functionality in the drafts/accounts/posts.

So, currently, I have enabled the deletetion of drafts and blog-roll.


FulianSP said...

but don't work in hero :(

Unknown said...

Hi Xuly,

Which feature doesn't work? Is it force closing or something?

FulianSP said...

i can't delete my old blog and add my new one (or the whole blogger acount)to post and manage it.
the same problem i had...

FulianSP said...

oh! the app don't force close (or close forced ¿?)

Unknown said...

Hi Xuly,

The feature of adding or deleting an account is not yet implemented. So, I would request you to please uninstall the application first, and then re-install it. Then, add your account once again. This should solve your problem.


Unknown said...

Deleting an account is now possible. Please download the new update.