Monday, January 25, 2010

Blogaway's next Update

We will be introducing the edit feature for posts in the next update. BUt, since this feature will be a new addition, this might have a lot of small bugs which you should be aware of.

-Editing posts with formatting is still possible, but you cannot change the formatting of already formatted texts.

-If you have pics/videos on your post, you can only edit the texts in such cases. Pics/Videos will appear as blue boxes. Please be careful with those, because, if by mistake you delete them, your pics and posts will be gone.

Also, with the next update, we will be enabling the "Share with" option for Blogaway, so that, right from your gallery, you can create a post with a picture or a video without going through the process of attaching a pic/video.

This was a feature requested by one of "Blogaway's" user.

With subsequent updates, you will definintely notice better edit handling of posts and more new and cool features.

Till then, BLOGAWAY!!!!

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